Late Dynastic Period, c. 664-332 BC. Fantastic steatite scarab with remains of the original bronze or copper pin still inside! The base engraved with a Sphinx and nefer sign. Very tall body, this was likely part of an ancient ring. Light brown tone. L: 15mm. ref: Matouk II no. 621 for type. Ex collection of Jonathan Rosen, New York, no. 0673; Ex Royal Athena Gallery, NY. #AE3150: $399 SOLD
Late Dynastic Period, c. 664-332 BC. Large faience scarab, the base engraved with a standing male, likely a god or pharaoh. L: 26mm, light blue to white tone. Ex Royal Athena Gallery, NY. #AE3158: $325 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, 2nd Intermediate Period, c. 1680 - 1540 BC. Very large seatite scarab, the base engraved with a nefer and neb sign next to two scroll devices. L: 28mm. Ex Rilling collection, Orange County, CA. Very impressive in-hand! #AE3089: $450 SOLD
Canaanite, c. 1630 - 1570 BC. Gorgeous steatite scarab, with trapezoidal head and neatly incised circle device on base. L: 14mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3250: $425 SOLD
Canaanite, c. 1630 - 1570 BC. Excellent steatite scarab. The base engraved with a beautiful rosette pattern. L: 18mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3258: $499 SOLD
New Kingdom Egypt, c. 1570-1070 BC. A fine steatite scarab, the base engraved with two erect uraeii (cobras) either side of an offering jar. L: 16mm. From the collection of Dr. Geoffrey Smith, curator of the Museum of Man, San Diego, CA. Excellent form and nice detail! #AE3233: $399 SOLD
Late Dynastic Period, c. 664-332 BC. Faience scarab, the base engraved with an Ankh and two feathers of Ma'at (photographed upside down here). L: 16mm, heavily degraded likely from tomb flooding in ancient times. Ex Royal Athena Gallery, NY. #AE3155: $250 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, c. 1750-1570 BC. Nice steatite scarab, set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. The base engraved with a central scarab (kheper), feathers of Ma'at to either side. Scarab measures 13mm (1/4 inch), nice white color. Total pendant measures 25mm. Produced during late Second Intermediate Period at Tel Daba in the eastern Nile Delta. Ex Secret Eyes Gallery New York 1970's-1980's. #AE3235: $399 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom.
Ramesside period! c. 1200-1070 BC. A fantastic steatite scaraboid, the top engraved with a facing African head, the base engraved with the seated Pharaoh holding crook & flail, before him a small figure with front arm raised, as though in greeting or adoration. Set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. Scarab L: 17mm, entire pendant measures 30mm. Provenance: From the famous Gustave Mustaki collection, a collector of antiquities who amassed large collection in Alexandria (Egypt). ex Ancient & Oriental, London, UK. #AE3285: $750 SOLD
New Kingdom Egypt, c. 1570-1075 BC. A wonderful steatite scarab, the base engraved with a Pharaoh kneeling in adoration of an obelisk! Heiroglyphic "Neb" sign meaning "lord" behind him. Fantastic detail, nicely carved top and sides. Set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. Scarab L: 16mm, entire pendant measures 27mm. ex Los Angeles, CA collection. #AE3288: $550 SOLD

Ancient Egypt, Late Dynastic Period, c. 664-332 BC. A huge and extremely fine basalt heart scarab. Gray-green on color, with deep-cut details, high-arched body and flat bottom. This would have been woven into the bandages of a mummy over the heart. Measures 34 x 28mm. A gorgeous example! From the famous Mustaki Collection. Mustaki was an avid collector in the early 20th century and his collection came to the UK under Egyptian license in 1947. Many of his pieces are in major museums worldwide, including the British Museum, the Getty Museum and the Egyptian State Museum. Catalogued by Carol Andrews (formerly Egyptian Department at the British Museum). #AE3286: $950 SOLD

Canaanite, c. 1630-1570 BC. A fantastic steatite scarab, the base beautifully engraved with three registers of pseudo-hieroglyphic signs praising the Pharaoh. L: 20mm. Ex New York City private collection. #AE3322: $450 SOLD
Second Intermediate Period, c. 1750-1570 BC. Small steatite scarab, the base engraved with a cross-shaped design. Yellow glaze. L: 12mm. ref: Matouk II, 2267v for type. Ex Royal Athena Gallery, NY. #AE3144: $250 SOLD
Late Dynastic Period, c. 664-332 BC. Small green faience scarab. On base, seated Harpokrates with right finger to lip and wearing a plumed headdress. L: 11 mm. Ex Rilling collection, Orange County, CA. #AE3098: $299 SOLD
New Kingdom, c. 1550-1070 BC. Great steatite scarab, the base engraved with a lion and a boat. L: 12mm. White tone, nice deep-cut detail. Ex Royal Athena Gallery, NY. #AE3146: $350 SOLD
Middle Kingdom Egypt, c. 2040-1786 BC. Steatite scarab, the base with the cartouche of Seostris III atop a Neb sign, flanked by sphinxes. L: 16mm. Ex Rilling estate, Orange County, CA. #AE3253: $525 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, c. 1070-747 BC. Neat steatite scarab, the base in heiroglyphs reading "Just and true, beloved of Amun-Re". L: 16mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3255: $399 SOLD
Canaanite, c. 1630-1500 BC. Steatite scarab, the base with pseudo-cartouche with mixed heiroglyphic signs; symmetric signs flanking. These canaanite scarabs are less about specific meaning of the various signs and more about a general amulet for luck and prosperity. L: 16.5mm. Ex Rilling estate, Orange County, CA. #AE3247: $325 SOLD
Canaanite, c. 1700 - 1630 BC. Great steatite scarab. A finely-incised antelope on the base. L: 18mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3256: $399 SOLD
New Kingdom Egypt, c. 1570-1070 BC. A nice steatite scarab, the base engraved with a seated baboon holding a Nefer sign, which they are associated with. L: 13mm with nice detail and good color. ref: Petrie, "Buttons" #845 for type. Ex Helios Gallery, UK. #AE3306: $350 SOLD
Ancient Egypt. New Kingdom, c. 1570 - 1075 BC. Well-carved steatite scarab, the base engraved with a kheper (scarab). 13 x 9 mm with dark deposits, holed lengthwise for suspension. Comes with clay impression of base. Ex P. Cheremisinoff estate, NJ. #AE2829: $225 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom, c. 1570-1070 BC. Carved steatite scaraboid seal decorated on the top with a fish, and on the underside a heiroglyphic inscription. L: 12mm. Definitely the nicest example of these I have ever had! Ex Gustave Mustaki collection, Alexandria, Egypt, acquired mid 20th century and exported under license of the Egyptian government; ex Helios Gallery, UK. #AE3302: $399 SOLD
New Kingdom Egypt, c. 1570-1070 BC. A gorgeous small steatite scarab set into a Victorian era gold stick pin in the late 1800's-early 1900's. Acquired on March 20, 1924 in Chicago! The scarab inscribed with a red crown of Lower Egypt between two Neb signs. The inscription on the base is a message of luck and kingly protection, a common motif on scarabs from the New Kingdom. Scarab bezel measures 12mm x 7.5mm; whole stick pin measures 69mm (2 3/4") long. Provenance: gift from C.D. Tripp to friend Louis B. Nieland 3/20/1924 in Chicago. When Louis died the scarab was given to Myrtle Weiss, who in turn passed it along to her daughter Beatrice (Weiss) Edgette, who will be 96 this year. Beatrice gave it to her son Mark Edgette, Platteville, WI, in 2020. #AE3136: $599 SOLD
Canaanite, c. 1650-1570 BC. Great steatite scarab, the base engraved with a kneeling bow-wielding warrior. The only one like this that I have ever had! L: 16mm, with whitish color. This would honestly go superbly on one of my pendant hangers! Ex Rilling estate, Orange Counrty, CA. #AE3368: $425 SOLD
Canaanite, c. 1750-1630 BC. Nice steatite scarab, the base engraved with a goat facing left, erect cobra (uraeus) behind, palm frond before. Nicely preserved with bone-colored tone. Set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. Scarab L: 16mm, entire pendant measures 28mm. Ex Epshtein collection, Berkeley, CA. #AE3243: $450 SOLD
Canaanite, c. 1750-1630 BC. Steatite scarab, the base engraved with a twisted cord decoration flanked by two palm fronds. Light off-white tone. Set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. Scarab L: 17mm, entire pendant measures 29mm. Ex Epshtein collection, Berkeley, CA. #AE3244: $350 SOLD
Late Dynastic Period, c. 664-332 BC. Neat green faience button scarab. L: 14mm, light green tone, some bitumen or resin likely from the wrappings of a mummy! Ex Royal Athena Gallery, NY. #AE3154: $275 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, c. 1750-1570 BC. Nice steatite scarab, set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. The base engraved with a roseate cross. Glaze gone white, earthen deposits. Ref: Petrie "Button scarabs" 159v for type. Scarab L: 16mm (5/8"), total pendant L: 29mm (1 1/8"). Ex Royal Athena Gallery, New York (original Royal Athena registration #GK9321). #AE3145: $375 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, c. 1750-1570 BC. Small steatite scarab, set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. The base engraved with looped cord design indicative of fish. Glaze gone white. ref: Matouk II, 2063v for type. Ex Royal Athena Gallery, New York (original Royal Athena registration #GK9312). Scarab L: 12mm (1/2"), total pendant L: 24mm (just under 1 inch). #AE3140: $325 SOLD
Middle Kingdom Egypt, c. 2040-1786 BC. Gorgeous carved amethyst scarab. Very thick construction, once likely once adorned a ring or other piece of jewelry. Set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. Scarab L: 13mm, entire pendant measures 22mm. Ex-Los Angeles, CA private collection. #AE3289: $450 SOLD
Holy Land (Levantine), c. 8th-7th Century BC. Old Testament Israelite period. Exceptional large deep green jasper scarab, the base engraved with a standing figure before a star & sedge. With custom black wood stand and green scarab impression originally made for the scarab to sit upon prior to being hung on the silver hanger. Set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. Scarab L: 18mm, entire pendant measures 30mm. Ex London, UK gallery collection. #AE3293: $550 SOLD
Canaanite, c. 1630 - 1500 BC. Excellent large steatite scarab, the base engraved with an elaborate geometric design, a palm frond carved into the back. Set onto a custom .925 silver pendant hanger. Scarab L: 21mm, entire pendant measures 34mm. A really wonderful piece! Ex Epshtein collection, Berkeley, CA. #AE3201: $499 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom, c. 1570-1070 BC. A neat small carved steatite scaraboid seal decorated on the top with a depiction of a tilapia fish! L: 10mm, holed-through for suspension. Ex Private UK collection, acquired in the 1960's-1980's; ex Helios Gallery, UK. #AE3301: $250 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, Late Dynastic Period c. 664-332 BC. Small steatite scarab, the base depicting a central khefer (scarab) beetle. L: 10mm. From the highly curated Spangenberg collection, Texas (inventory number AAV-SAC 16.04.04). #AE3371: $150 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom to Late Period, c. 1550-525 BC. Nice steatite scarab, the base engraved with hieroglyphic name of Amun-Re. 17x13x10mm. Ex Secret Eyes Gallery, New York, purchased in the 1970's-1980's. #AE3137: $599 SOLD
Ancient Egypt, Late Dynastic Period c. 664-332 BC. Fabulous green faience scarab, the base depicting two lotus flowers. L: 11mm. ref: GM 13 p. 56 for type. From the highly curated Spangenberg collection, Texas (inventory number AAV-SAC 16.04.11). #AE3369: $399 SOLD
Second Intermediate Period Egypt, c. 1650-1570 BC. Nice steatite scarab, the base engraved with a crouching lion. L: 15mm, nice bone-white color. Ex Rilling estate, Orange Counrty, CA. #AE3370: $450 SOLD
Second Intermediate Period Egypt, c. 1750-1570 BC. Large steatite scarab, the base engraved with a pseudo-cartouche, representing the Pharaoh and divine authority. L: 19mm, silvery-gray in color. ref: Matouk 2368 for type. Ex Royal Athena Gallery, New York (original RA cataglog number RJ-9804W). #AE2228: $550 SOLD

Ancient Egype, Third Intermediate to Late Dynastic Period, c. 1070-332 BC. Excellent steatite scarab. The top finely carved, the base depicting Ma'at seated, a uraeus (erect cobra) and Nefer before... symbols of goodness and truth representing pharoah. L: 14mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #E3246: $450 SOLD

Third Intermediate Period, c. 1570-747 BC. Steatite scarab. The base with symbols that in themselves don't say anything but overall represent luck and protection. L: 16mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3261: $450 SOLD

Middle Kingdom Egypt, c. 2040-1786 BC. Large steatite scarab. The base engraved with symmetric signs including Sedges, Ka signs, nefers and uraei (cobras) flanking a central ankh within an oval border and pseudo-cartouch. L: 22mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3248: $499 SOLD

Canaanite, c. 1700 - 1630 BC. Large steatite scarab. Concentric signs including Feathers, Uraei, Red Crowns, Uas and other mixed signs. A general amulet for protection and luck. L: 21mm. Ex Rilling estate, Orange County, CA. #AE3252: $525 SOLD

New Kingdom Egypt, c. 1570-1070 BC. Rare faience scarab, with ancient pendant wire remnant. This scarab calls for the protection of the sun god Amun or Amun-Re, referred to by the image of the solar barque and wishes for life and protection "when Amun(-Re) is watchful." L: 17mm including loop. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3259: $399 SOLD

Ancient Egypt, Late New Kingdom to early 3rd Intermediate Period, c. 1200 - 1050 BC. A rare large glazed steatite scarab, the base finely engraved depicting the Pharaoh standing between the gods Amun-Re and Horus. Finely carved details, top, and legs! L: 3/4”, extremely well-preserved. Ex Secret Eyes Gallery, New York, 1970's-1980’s. #AE3348: $550 SOLD

Canaanite, c. 1630 - 1570 BC. Steatite scarab, the base engraved with a Djed Pillar. L: 14mm. Ex Rilling estate, Orange County, CA. #AE3257: $399 SOLD

New Kingdom Egypt, c. 1570-1070 BC. Great steatite scarab. The base engraved with heiroglyphic "Praise the Horus of the North and the South". Ex Malter. L: 19mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3249: $450 SOLD

Middle Kingdom Egypt, c. 2040-1786 BC. Nice steatite scarab, the base engraved with a lovely scroll motif with Nefer signs. L: 13.5mm. Ex Malter galleries, Encino, CA. #AE3262: $399 SOLD

Ancient Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, c. 1070-747 BC. Rare faience scarab, the base with a standing figure of stg Osiris before the head of Khnum wearing tripartite headdress. L: 18.5mm. Ex Rilling estate, Orange County, CA. A really cool scarab! #AE3251: $475 SOLD

New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period, c. 1570-747 BC. Neat steatite scarab. The base depicts a kneeling pharoah in adoration of an obelisk. L: 14.5mm. Ex-John Rilling collection, Orange County, CA. Mr. Rilling died in 2008, stopped collecting in the 1990’s. Mr. Rilling selected the items for his collection carefully, acquiring them bit by bit from major auction houses in the US and the UK. #AE3260: $425 SOLD
Middle Kingdom Egypt, 2040-1786 BC. Rare carved amethyst scarab. L: 10mm. from the Garcin collection, Paris; ex Royal Athena Gallery, New York (RA registration number RPJ67). More photos available on request! #AE3372: $499 SOLD

New Kingdom Egypt, c. 1570-1070 BC. A gorgeous vibrant blue faience scarab, the base crisply engraved with an Ankh and other heiroglyphic signs formulating a divine prayer for Life and Protection. Beautil form, wonderful color, some chipping to one edge. 13x9mm. Ex B. McDowell estate, WI, purchased at Sotheby's in 1965. #AE3327: $550 SOLD

New Kingdom Egypt, c. 1570-1070 BC. A tiny steatite scarab, the base engraved with praises to nthe Pharaoh. L: just 7mm! From the collection of Ernest Freemark (1882-1966), collected between 1913 and 1915; ex-R. Knickerbocker collection, NY, by descent. Ernest Freemark was the great-grand uncle of the the famous Knickerbocker family of New York. #AE3411: $60 SOLD |